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When Is the Best Time for a New AC Installation?

If your older AC is showing signs that it’s nearing the end of its lifespan, you want to start planning for your upgrade soon. There are certain times of the year when installing a new AC is better than other times, and Spring is an excellent option for scheduling an AC installation in Phoenix.

You can keep reading to learn more about why right now is a great time to schedule an air conditioner installation. Then give our team a call to schedule your service ahead of a total AC breakdown. It’s better to be proactive than to put off service and be left making in emergency decision about a new air conditioner.

Invest in a New AC This Spring

Fall through spring is a wonderful time to invest in a new air conditioner because it’s the off-season for cooling. But if your unit is showing signs that it needs to be replaced, now is better than putting it off for later in the year. When you invest in a new air conditioner right now, you can have peace of mind all summer long that your unit is up to the task of keeping your home cool and doing so efficiently.

Risks of Putting Off an Upgrade

If you decide to put off an upgrade and try to squeeze another summer out of your older air conditioner, you may be left with a broken unit in the middle of the summer. This can mean making a quick decision about what type of air conditioner you want to replace your current model with since you’re on a time crunch.

Alternately, you may be left trying to make expensive repairs to keep your current unit running for the rest of the season. If it comes down to deciding between repair and replacement, you may be tempted to put some money into AC repairs in hopes that your air conditioner will last a little bit longer. However, investing in repairs for an older unit isn’t always fruitful because the money you spend may not get as much more life out of your unit as you would hope. 

Benefits of a Brand New AC 

Instead of spending money on repairs, it makes more sense to put that money toward a brand new air conditioner that you know has 10 to 15 years of life ahead of it. Plus you’ll enjoy the benefits of a manufacturer’s warranty that will cover any unexpected repairs in the first 10 years. 

It’s also important to consider that air conditioners being manufactured today are significantly more energy efficient compared to an older model that you may have had in your home for anywhere from 10 to 20 years. We know that getting a new air conditioner is a big investment. But it is very worthwhile, especially when you take excellent care of the unit from the beginning by investing your time in homeowner maintenance and scheduling professional maintenance annually.

Don’t waste your time with the run-around. Give the AZ Perfect Comfort Heating & Cooling team a call to schedule your appointment for an AC installation and let us do it right the first time!

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