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Does a Heat Pump Offer Effective Heating?

If you are looking for a whole-house HVAC solution, you’re probably considering a heat pump. A heat pump is a great way to combine heating and cooling all into the same system so you can save space. Plus, heat pumps are much more energy efficient compared to other types of heaters.

The question is whether or not a heat pump provides enough heating power to keep your home comfortable in the winter season. You can keep reading to learn more about how a heat pump works and why it is a great solution for our area of the country. Then give us a call when you’re ready to invest in a heat pump in Phoenix.

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

A heat pump is unique compared to a gas or electric furnace. Instead of using energy to create heat, a heat pump transfers heat from one place to another. In the case of working as a heater, your heat pump absorbs heat from outdoors and transfers that heat into your home to raise the temperature. 

It may be hard to believe that when it’s cold outside, there is any heat in the air at all. However, unless temperatures are very low, there is still some heat in the air. The outdoor refrigerant lines absorb that heat and then transfers it into your home, where it releases into the air that will blow out of your vents.

Potential Concerns

Heat pumps are great for heating as long as the temperatures are not too low. As temperatures get closer to freezing and even dip below, there is less heat in the air to absorb and transfer into your home. As a result, your home may not get as warm as you think it should. The good news is that our winters here in the Phoenix area tend to be milder, so this is less of a concern. 

If you are worried that your heat pump will not heat your home enough in the winter time, you can always upgrade to a cold-weather model. This heat pump will work much in the same way as a standard heat pump, but it will have a little bit more power when it comes to absorbing heat and bringing it into your home.

Care Tips

Keep in mind that your heat pump can only work as well as it is taken care of. When you don’t keep up with regular heat pump maintenance, operation may suffer. Your heat pump may not be as effective at cooling your home down in the summer or warming it up in the winter. Additionally, it may consume more energy. 

It’s important to complete some steps regularly, including:

  • Selecting a filter wisely
  • Changing that filter out in a timely manner
  • Rinsing out the condensate drain line with vinegar monthly
  • Monitoring the outdoor portion of the unit for dirt build-up and debris. You can rinse the outdoor unit each month using your water hose set to a general water pressure to help maximize airflow.

Don’t waste your time with the run-around. Give the AZ Perfect Comfort team a call to schedule your appointment for AC service and let us do it right the first time!

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